Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year! Awesome Giveaways and Reviews on The Way!

Wow! Hard to believe it's a New Year already! It seems like it was just Jan. 2010.  For the most part it's been a really great year.  I've really grown personally but I have so much more room to grow.  I've never been big on resolutions but one of the things I learned this year is the power of goals.  Whether you call it a resolution, a goal, objective, aspiration or dream, it's important to have something to reach for.  Without having an end goal, or reason or something to strive for, you don't have any reason to keep going.

I have several resolutions for this year.  My resolutions for this blog include a minimum one post a day and one giveaway a week.  I've obviously gotten behind on this and there is truly no excuse.  Mentally I know that I could stay up 15 mins later or get up 15 mins earlier to make sure I get this done but by the time I get the kids to bed I am so worn out I just drop.  So my personal resolutions to get more organized and make better use of my time as well as eating better and exercising daily will play a big role in my ability to reach my goals for this blog as well.

This month's theme is Goals and Resolutions.  Reviews and giveaways for the month of January are going to center around keeping resolutions and reaching goals.  Coming this month we have Sticky Cup, Skoy Cloths, Cinch!, Get Energy and more!  I'm really excited about all the great things we have planned!  So make sure you're following on Facebook, Twitter, email or RSS so you can keep up to date!

N.B. This post was actually begun on the 31st.  I promise, to myself and all of you, that I will not get this far behind and let this much time lapse between posts.  This blog has honestly been a form of therapy for me and not posting has helped perpetuate this funk I've been in the past couple weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your upcoming events and hoping your feeling groovy soon...peaces...xoxo
