Monday, January 17, 2011

Frustrated Rant Updated

Just as I was getting out of my funk I receive a letter in the mail that knocked me back down.  I'm in the process of applying for disability so I am currently on TANF, food stamps and Medicaid.  A few months ago the state (thanks to a deal with Republicans) cut my food stamps by $150, last month they cut all vision, dental and hearing aids from Medicaid (with 2 weeks notice, I was able to get my last two teeth pulled but didn't have enough time to get dentures and even though I had my rx no optometrist would accept it so I have only old broken glasses) and Friday I got a letter stating that starting February 1 my TANF is being cut by $100 without a corresponding raise in food stamps. I was already having to use half of my TANF to buy food since we usually run out of food stamps halfway through the month. So, for the past 3 days I've been wallowing in self-pity, furiously cursing the government and wracking my brain trying to figure out how I'm going to make this work.

Anyway, today I woke up and decided I'm done feeling sorry for myself, I've gotten through worse.  I may not have an answer yet but I can do this. I just need to remain calm, stop stressing and make a game plan.  Besides just getting this rant out has helped.

Update: Well, something good has come of this.  To receive TANF you have to be part of the workfirst program, spending 40 hrs a week in work activity or job training.  Since I have both mental and physical health issues (bipolar, adhd, ptsd, fibromyalgia, severe asthma, diabetes, severe allergies, half a stomach, quarter size pancreas, seizures and more) I have other requirements.  One of those requirements is a drug and alcohol treatment because I got a DUI when I was 18 (16 years ago) even though I haven't had a drink in 5 years.  Well, my counselor decide to graduate me early today since I've had near perfect attendance and passed all my drug tests!  I'm so excited b/c that saves me 5 hrs and $20 in gas a week.

1 comment:

  1. :( I feel the rant. I have been through what your going through, and for lack of better words it sucks! I am sorry and hope things do get better for you soon!
