Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Guest Post: Five Ways to Find Extra Christmas Cash

Kelly Wilson
Teaching Resource Center

Five Ways to Find Extra Christmas Cash

Shopping for Christmas presents can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes
to your budget. Here are five ways to find some extra Christmas cash to help you
purchase the gifts on your list.

Figure Out What You Have

You probably have more than you think you do stockpiled in your pantry and closets
around your house. This is a great time of year to take inventory!

First, check the pantry and freezer. Make a list of meals to prepare for your family
through the Christmas holiday based on ingredients that you already have. Cut your
grocery budget for the next month in order to purchase perishables only, using the
leftover money from the food budget for Christmas gifts.

Go through the same process for other areas of your budget, including miscellaneous
items, clothing, and entertainment. These extra dollars will add up fast!

Practice Couponing

If you don’t yet practice couponing, now is the perfect time to start. Using Sunday ads or
internet printables, begin using coupons when possible while grocery shopping. If you
need a clothing item, search for a coupon before heading out. Only eat in a restaurant if
you there’s a coupon you can use to cut the price of the meal.

Make it a personal goal to only buy or do something if you can use a coupon to help pay
for it. A coupon worth a dollar might seem small when considered by itself, but taken
together over time, your savings can be tremendous.

Budget Considerations

Like the pantry and the freezer, check any stockpiles of gifts you may have collected
through the year. Make a list of people for whom you want to buy Christmas gifts, how
much you want to spend, gift ideas, and any gifts you’ve already purchased. Once the
list is complete, you’ll have a good idea about your budget for Christmas presents as
well as how much or little you actually need to buy.

To squeeze a little more cash out of your monthly paycheck, now might be a good
time to also consider an increase on your auto insurance deductibles as well as an
adjustment of your tax withholding.

Spare Change

Where I live, we’re charged a nominal fee per recyclable can or bottle when we buy
beverages. If you have a similar situation, now’s the time to start recycling to get some
of that money back! The same goes for that jar in the bedroom where you and your
spouse collect random spare change – consider cashing that in for “real” money to use
for gifts!

If possible, many retail companies employ people for the holiday season. This short-
term employment might be an ideal solution for you if you can spare the time for the
extra cash.

Set Up Trades

The holiday season brings more time-consuming tasks, especially as you prepare for
Christmas. To save money and sanity, consider setting up trades with trusted friends
and neighbors for things like babysitting, carpools, and meal preparation. You can give
each other the gift of extra time without paying a cent!

Kelly Wilson is a freelance writer and editor at Teaching Resource Center, a teacher store and trusted source of high-quality teaching materials at great prices.

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